What is 'Basic search'?This is a general search based on your preferences of age, height, marital status, religion, caste and education.
What is 'Advanced search'?This is a more detailed search based on your specific preferences in addition to the basic search parameters. You have option to avoid profiles with specific birth stars, ignore the profiles already contacted and even select profiles with only photo and horoscope. This gives you much better and more precise search results.
How do I view a profile if I have the User ID?You can directly search for profile based on User ID or by Name of candidate in the search page. There is also a special provision to search for profile based on ID directly from the home page.
Can I filter the search results further?Yes. Once you have done the profile search using any of the search options provided, select the option 'Filter your search results' visible just above the list of profiles. You can set the filters as per your choice for fine tuning your search results and to shortlist the candidates. You can filter your search result based on age, height, weight, caste, education, Present location, etc.
Can I use the same search criteria when I login to the website at a later point?
Yes. You can save up to 5 sets of search parameters which can be selected later. Once you have logged in to the website, on the search page, specify the set of parameters and select 'Save and search'. Give a meaningful name for your search while saving, so that you can easily identify it at a later point of time.
Can I shortlist profiles?Login using your User ID and password. Click on 'Search'. Profiles would appear based on the preferences given. Click on the 'Shortlist' link in the specific profiles to select and shortlist them.
How and where can I view the shortlisted profiles?The shortlisted profiles can be viewed in your home page in the list of shortlisted profiles. You can also remove them from your list later.
How do I view updates from shortlisted profiles?Updates of shortlisted profiles can be viewed in your home page, if you are logged in to the wesbite.
How do I search for profiles similar to one that I have shortlisted?Once you find an interesting profile from the search results, click on the option 'Similar profiles'. You will be provided with a list of profiles similar to the one that you found interesting (i.e., age, height, occupation, etc.)
How to block profiles/unblock?If you don't want to receive any messages from a particular member, after logging in with your ID and password, open the full profile of the particular member. On the top right hand corner, select the option 'Block'. The profile will be blocked from contacting you again.
Can I know how many people have viewed my profile?Once you are logged in, on your home page under the option 'Viewed your profile', you can see all the statistics like - the total number of members who viewed your profile during the month, yesterday and today.